Niall Ferguson on the Perils of Studying History


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While on The Rubin Report, Niall Fergurson and Dave talked about numerous things, among them the Intellectual Dark Web network, Brexit, and Trump. During the later part of the interview (40-minute mark of Part 2), he said this:

The worst thing about studying history is that it makes you aware…that there is always more than one future—-there is the future of triumph, there is the future of tragedy, and there is this kind of other future in the middle which is a little bit of both.

As college gets more expensive, many are questioning the financial payoff of a liberal arts education. But as I see chaos in many developed nations and bad ideas of the past begin to re-emerge, I get a sense that a good liberal arts education is not only advantageous—but necessary. A deep and nuanced understanding of history, geopolitics, and economics can be a guiding light for organizing society so that we do not repeat mistakes of the past.


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