Mike Adams was a controversial conservative columnist, author, and professor who taught at University of North Carolina. Adams has sparked numerous controversies throughout his career and was widely hated on Twitter by leftists. Adams died on July 23, 2020 and his death was ruled a suicide.
David French wrote a great eulogy to Adams as his close friend and lawyer, shining a different light on Adams that the public may not be aware of.
However, many people online celebrated his death in the Twitterverse. Not only that, the media seems to have treated him worse than Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of ISIS.
Washington Examiner journalist Siraj Hashmi pointed this out on Twitter the other day. He laid two headlines juxtaposed to each other, one of Mike Adams and one of al-Baghdadi. Buzzfeed had the headline “A Professor Who Was Known For His Racist, Misogynistic Tweets Was Found Dead In His Home” while the Washington Post obituaries had the headline “Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, austere religious scholar at helm of Islamic State, dies at 48.” It is pretty sickening to see. You can see the images of the headlines and Siraj Hasmi’s tweet below.