The following is a Twitter thread by Bjorn Lomberg. He is a Danish political scientist and president of the thinktank Copenhagen Consensus Center. You can find the original Twitter thread here:
US going net-zero will cost more than $11,300 per person per year in 2050 according to new Nature study
That is almost 500x as much as average American willing to pay
That won’t end well
my comment in WSJ

Compare the cost of US net-zero at 12+% GDP with the UN Climate Panel estimate of cost if we do *nothing* against climate change:
2.6% of GDP by 2100
We are currently doing too little, but doing too much is also dumb

Even if entire US went net-zero today and stayed net-zero for the rest of the century
impact rather small, reducing temperature rise in 2100 by 0.3°F (0.16°C)
Because vast part of 21st century emissions come currently poor world
Using UN climate model

Even if entire rich world went net-zero today for rest of century
impact rather small, reducing temperature rise in 2100 by 0.96°F (0.5°C)
Because vast part of 21st century emissions come currently poor world
Using UN climate model……