Tiffany Riley, former Windsor School Principal, faced community backlash after speaking against BLM on her personal Facebook account.
In her comments she recognized the need to speak up for Black lives but also felt concerned for the lives of law enforcement.
While I understand the urgency to feel compelled to advocate for black lives, what about our fellow law enforcement? just because I don’t walk around with a BLM sign should not mean I’m a racist.
But as the school board attempted to redress the concerns of the community, they too faced backlash over their responses.
One student lamented, “I am unfortunately not surprised. You chose not to hear me much like America has chosen to hear black and brown people across the nation.”
The response by one board member displayed a bit of defensiveness.
I think it’s very insulting that you lump a whole category of people (school administrators) together,
Perhaps they need just a few more hours of implicit bias training?
This story helps emphasize the very unclear boundary markers between personal life and speech and employment. Imagine the possibilities if a school board, instead of reacting, set up a forum for Riley and select members of the community to strike up a dialogue? A major teaching moment was missed in this ordeal.